Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Natalie goes to Vegas night 2

     After the first night Natalie could hardly sleep from the excitement she felt from finally going out in public.  The night was several months in the making and she and Mistress were proud of the profound accomplishment and big step she took. Now the time for a second night on the town Had arrived.  

   Mistress’ plan for tonight was to head to the Caesar’s palace to walk through the forum shops and generally experience a very nice Casino.  After Natalie’s transformation she puts on an tight compression dress under a sheer sequined dress.  Natalie admired herself in the mirror, the dress was very sexy and left little to the imagination. It was finally time to head out on the down so the trio headed to the car.   On the drive Natalie’s nervousness grew, but she knew she made it through the night before and would be just fine with Mistress and Queen Kat alongside.   

      At the Caesar’s Palace  the forum shops are amazing even though you are outside it feels like a beautiful day walking in Rome.   While walking around Queen Kat and Mistress Windy swear that Natalie got wanting looks and was even cat called once   Natalie doesn’t believe them, but blushes anyway.   On this second night out Natalie is feeling more comfortable in herself.

      Tonight Mistress decided they should eat at Carmine’s a family style Italian restaurant.  When they say family style  they mean every dish is shareable.  When they say that they weren’t lying the portions were huge.   The three ladies arrived at Carmine’s and Natalie was still self-conscious but she was still being included as one of the girls and that made her feel good about herself building her confidence.  Natalie ordered a rum runner not her typical alters drink of a beer   She wanted to more thoroughly embrace Natalie.   It felt pleasing to be treated as one of the girls.

    After dinner the ladies walked through the casino a little and Natalie wanted to play some table games again,  Mistress allowed it so once again Natalie was up close and personal interacting with others that didn’t know the other side of her and it was just as nervous and exciting as the night beforeNatalie was more comfortable this time.  She played for a little while and Mistress instructed Natalie it was time to go.   On the way out the ladies went to the restroom and Mistress informed Natalie that she fell back into her male alter, she had waited outside and that is not the lady like thing to do.  Part of the experience is for lady’s to have girl talk on the way to and from the ladies room so Natalie should have accompanied Mistress and Queen Kat.

    Once back at the hotel Natalie took off her makeup and put on a pretty purple teddy to sleep in.   Once again the night ran through her head and she had trouble going to sleep.   Her experience had been awesome and Mistress was making Natalie feel like one of the girls.   Natalie’s persona was growing exponentially and it felt amazing and she couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s transformation and adventure   Until night 3 Natalie will dream of the first 2 nights   


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Natalie in Vegas night 1

     Natalie’s alter male persona had a work trip in Las Vegas, she thought this was the perfect chance for Natalie to make her official public appearance. She had driven to sessions as Natalie before, but nothing this public.   The only way she would have the courage to do it is with the help of Mistress Windy.  She invited her to join her in Vegas.  Mistress agreed and Queen Kat was going to join.  Natalie was ecstatic and couldn’t wait and began to plan and buy outfits.  

    The day finally arrived for Natalie to head to Vegas.  She would be there a few days before Mistress Windy and Queen Kat so sadly would only have the courage to sleep as Natalie, she hadn’t been able to fully do that yet only panties under male shorts, but now she had some pretty nighties to wear. She felt pretty and sexy but her male persona had the days due to work.  She was happy Mistress would arrive soon.  

     Finally Mistress and Queen Kat arrived and Natalie would be on display. She was a flood of emotions, nervous, excited and scared all rolled into one package, but Natalie was not in control in this weeks scenario.  Mistress wasn’t sure how comfortable Natalie would be after all they had only been bringing Natalie out for 4 months.  Natalie assured Mistress she was ready and was anxious for her public appearance.  The first step was to prepare for the night out.  Makeup was a challenge, Natalie still wasn’t good at it, but Queen Kat was a professional.   After the makeover they pick out a sleek black low cut short black dress.  This dress doesn’t leave much to the imagination but it is hot.  Natalie admired herself, other than her wish that she had a more feminine body her look was perfect.  Mistress Windy and Queen Kat had done an outstanding job in their transformation.

   Mistress has decided to head to Fremont St. for the first night.  As Natalie drove everyone her nervousness began to rise, but she was determined to push through and would not chicken out.  Once there the trio walk around a little bit trying to find a place to eat.  They decide on Whiskey Licker Up Bar & Grill, as they walked up the stairs the hostess greeted the ladies and took them to their seats.  Being included as a lady made Natalie feel pretty and happy to be included.   The food here is good, but the point of the story is Natalie’s public experience.   Everywhere they go Natalie is greeted as a Lady not as a male.  This makes her feel good, she is coming into herself.  She interacts with the bartender and waitress.  This is nerve racking but Natalie powers through. After dinner they walk around a little longer.   Natalie asks to play some table games, this takes a lot of courage she would have to interact a lot more with the dealer.  Natalie plays for an hour or so before they head back to the hotel. On the way Mistress tells Natalie she is proud of her, going out took a lot of courage and she didn’t expect the amount of interaction she was able to handle.  This was only day 1, more to come.   They arrive at the hotel and prepare for bed Natalie wears a frilly Carolina blue nightie and ponders her night and attempts to process the flood of emotions that she felt.  She had made it through the night, but didn’t know how to articulate her feelings, she wasn’t sure if it was just everything all at once or wa she just speechless with excitement.  All she knew is that she had a fantastic time and would forever be in Mistress and Queen Kay’s debt she just wished she knew how to express that outwardly, but she was having trouble.  Anyway this was just the beginning of the week and she was really looking forward to the next nightly adventure in the next episode. 

Natalie goes to Vegas night 2

     After the first night Natalie could hardly sleep from the excitement she felt from finally going out in public.  The night was several ...